Sabayad also known as Kimis is a type of flatbread eaten in Somalia and Djibouti. It is closely related to the paratha of the Indian subcontinent.
List of articles in "Food" category - Page 332
Pulla (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈpulːɑ]; Swedish bulle or kanelbulle) is a mildly-sweet Finnish sweet roll or dessert bread flavored with crushed cardamom seeds and occasionally raisins or sliced almonds. Braid loaves […]
Pan de muerto
The Pan de muerto (Spanish for Bread of the Dead) (also called pan de los muertos) is a type of sweet roll traditionally baked in Mexico during the weeks leading […]
Keiller’s marmalade
Keiller’s marmalade is named after its creator Janet Keiller and is believed to have been the first commercial brand of marmalade originating in Dundee Scotland.The apocryphal story tells that James […]
Ciauscolo (sometimes also spelled ciavuscolo or ciabuscolo) is a variety of Italian salame typical of the Marche region (especially in the Province of Macerata) although it is also widely used […]
Standards of identity for food
Standards of identity for food are the mandatory federally set requirements that determine what a food product must contain to be marketed under a certain name in interstate commerce.
A collop is a slice of meat according to one definition in the Oxford English Dictionary. The derivation is obscure; the OED cites Ihre that it may be related to […]
Spinach salad
Spinach salad is a salad which has spinach as its foremost ingredient.Common ingredients include slivered almonds and some type of berries like cranberry or strawberry.Spinach salad is usually served with […]
Gansito (Spanish little goose) is a Mexican snack cake which some people think taste similar to Twinkies with the exception of strawberry jelly along with the creamy filling and that […]
Isterband (Swedish: lard-strips) is a coarsely ground lightly smoked sausage from Sweden. It is made of pork barley groats and potato. There are many varieties of isterband such as småländska […]