1301 Yvonne (1934 EA) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 7 1934 by Louis Boyer at Algiers.Photometric observations made in 2003 at the Carbuncle Hill Observatory near Providence Rhode […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 938
1340 Yvette
1340 Yvette (1934 YA) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on December 27 1934 by L. Boyer at Algiers.[citation needed] It is a member of the Eos family.
5291 Yuuko
5291 Yuuko (1990 YT) is a Main-belt asteroid discovered on December 20 1990 by Masanori Matsuyama and Watanabe at Kushiro.
79333 Yusaku
79333 Yusaku (1996 TN6) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 5 1996 by A. Nakamura at Kuma Kogen. The asteroid was named after Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.
7558 Yurlov
7558 Yurlov (1982 TB2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 14 1982 by L. G. Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
8781 Yurka
8781 Yurka (1976 GA2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on April 1 1976 by N. S. Chernykh at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
21818 Yurkanin
21818 Yurkanin (1999 TJ32) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 4 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
8635 Yuriosipov
8635 Yuriosipov (1985 PG2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on August 13 1985 by N. S. Chernykh at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
4917 Yurilvovia
4917 Yurilvovia (1973 SC6) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 28 1973 by N. S. Chernykh at Nauchnyj.
13146 Yuriko
13146 Yuriko (1995 DR2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 20 1995 by T. Okuni at Nanyo.