14568 Zanotta (1998 OK) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 19 1998 by A. Boattini and M. Tombelli at San Marcello Pistoiese.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 936
21991 Zane
21991 Zane (1999 XM23) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on December 6 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
5047 Zanda
5047 Zanda (1981 EO42) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 2 1981 by S. J. Bus at Siding Spring Observatory in the course of the U.K. Schmidt-Caltech Asteroid Survey.
1242 Zambesia
1242 Zambesia (1932 HL) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on April 28 1932 by C. Jackson at Johannesburg (UO).
5453 Zakharchenya
5453 Zakharchenya (1975 VS5) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 3 1975 by T. M. Smirnova at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
6075 Zajtsev
6075 Zajtsev (1976 GH2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on April 1 1976 by N. S. Chernykh at Nauchnyj.Quote from Minor Planet Circular No 25445 1995 (Attention! Do not correct […]
7860 Zahnle
7860 Zahnle (1980 PF) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on August 6 1980 by E. Bowell at the Anderson Mesa Station of the Lowell Observatory.
26629 Zahller
26629 Zahller (2000 GZ132) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on April 12 2000 by C. B. Luginbuhl at the U.S. Naval Observatory’s Flagstaff Station.
6746 Zagar
6746 Zagar (1994 NP) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 9 1994 by Osservatorio San Vittore at Bologna.