18601 Zafar (1998 BL11) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on January 23 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 937
5043 Zadornov
5043 Zadornov (1974 SB5) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 19 1974 by L. I. Chernykh at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
19421 Zachulett
19421 Zachulett (1998 FD56) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 20 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
18806 Zachpenn
18806 Zachpenn (1999 JX79) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on May 13 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
18823 Zachozer
18823 Zachozer (1999 NS20) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 14 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
19585 Zachopkins
19585 Zachopkins (1999 NU7) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 13 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
18671 Zacharyrice
18671 Zacharyrice (1998 FX64) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 20 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
10566 Zabadak
10566 Zabadak (1994 AZ2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on January 14 1994 by Yoshio Kushida and Osamu Muramatsu at Yatsugatake South Base Observatory.The asteroid was named for the Japanese […]
9501 Ywain
9501 Ywain (2071 T-2) is a main-belt asteroid.
15115 Yvonneroe
15115 Yvonneroe (2000 DA7) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 29 2000 by J. M. Roe at Oaxaca.