The semitendinosus (/ˌsɛmitɛndɨˈnoʊsəs/) is a muscle in the back of the thigh; it is one of the hamstrings.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 317
Semimembranosus muscle
The semimembranosus (/ˌsɛmimɛmbrəˈnoʊsəs/) is a muscle in the back of the thigh. It is the most medial of the three hamstring muscles.
Gracilis muscle
The gracilis (/ˈɡræsɨlɨs/) (Latin for slender) is the most superficial muscle on the medial side of the thigh. It is thin and flattened broad above narrow and tapering below.
Vastus lateralis muscle
The Vastus lateralis (/ˈvæstəsˌlætəˈreɪlɨs/ or /ˈvæstəsˌlætəˈrælɨs/); (vastus externus) is the largest part of the quadriceps femoris.
Vastus intermedius muscle
The vastus intermedius (/ˈvæstəs ˌɪntərˈmiːdi.əs/) (Cruraeus) arises from the front and lateral surfaces of the body of the femur in its upper two-thirds sitting under the rectus femoris muscle and […]
Adductor magnus muscle
The adductor magnus is a large triangular muscle situated on the medial side of the thigh.It consists of two parts. The portion which arises from the ischiopubic ramus (a small […]
Adductor longus muscle
In the human body the adductor longus is a skeletal muscle located in the thigh. One of the adductor muscles of the hip its main function is to adduct the […]
Adductor brevis muscle
The adductor brevis is a muscle in the thigh situated immediately behind the pectineus and adductor longus. It belongs to the adductor muscle group. The main function of the adductor […]
Quadratus femoris muscle
The quadratus femoris is a flat quadrilateral skeletal muscle. Located on the posterior side of the hip joint it is a strong external rotator and adductor of the thigh but […]
Obturator externus muscle
The obturator externus muscle (/ˌɒbtjʉˈreɪtər ɨkˈstɜrnəs/) (OE) is a flat triangular muscle which covers the outer surface of the anterior wall of the pelvis. It is sometimes considered part of […]