In human anatomy the anterior communicating artery is a blood vessel of the brain that connects the left and right anterior cerebral arteries. The anterior communicating artery connects the two […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 315
The term iliopsoas (ilio-so-as) refers to the combination of the psoas major and the iliacus at their inferior ends. These muscles are distinct in the abdomen but usually indistinguishable in […]
Fetal circulation
The fetal circulation is the circulatory system of a human fetus often encompassing the entire fetoplacental circulation which includes the umbilical cord and the blood vessels within the placenta that […]
Subscapular fossa
The costal or ventral surface of the scapula presents a broad concavity the subscapular fossa. It provides an attachment for the subscapularis muscle.
Lumbricals of the foot
The lumbricals are four small skeletal muscles accessory to the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and numbered from the medial side of the foot; they arise from these tendons […]
Quadratus plantae muscle
The quadratus plantæ (flexor accessorius) is separated from the muscles of the first layer by the lateral plantar vessels and nerve. It acts to aid in flexing the 2nd to […]
Plantar interossei muscles
In human anatomy the plantar interossei of the foot are three muscles located between the metatarsal bones.
Flexor digitorum brevis muscle
The flexor digitorum brevis lies in the middle of the sole of the foot immediately above the central part of the plantar aponeurosis with which it is firmly united. Its […]
Flexor hallucis brevis muscle
The Flexor hallucis brevis arises by a pointed tendinous process from the medial part of the under surface of the cuboid bone from the contiguous portion of the third cuneiform […]
Adductor hallucis muscle
The Adductor hallucis (Adductor obliquus hallucis) arises by two heads—oblique and transverse and is responsible for adducting the big toe. It has two heads both are innervated by the lateral […]