Tags: Volcano.
Khodutka (Russian: Ходутка) also known as Khodutkinskiye Gory (Russian: Ходуткинские Горы) is a stratovolcano located in the southern part of Kamchatka Peninsula Russia.It was formed from an older stratovolcano known as Priemysh between the late-Pleistocene and the early Holocene periods.In about 800 BC an eruption that was accompanied by small pyroclastic flows and subsequent emplacement of lava flows and domes deposited tephra throughout Southern Kamchatka and formed a twin maar (Khodutkinsky maar) on the WNW slope of Khodutka.Khodutka is one of a series of volcanoes that surround the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky one of the oldest cities in the Far EastVolcanos mountains crater lakes and geyser valleys are recreational attractions in the area.