Tags: Anatomical Structure.
The cervical spinal nerve 6 (C6) is a spinal nerve of the cervical segment.It originates from the spinal column from above the cervical vertebra 6 (C6).The C6 nerve root shares a common branch from C5 and has a role in innervating many muscles of the rotator cuff and distal arm including:SubclaviusSupraspinatusInfraspinatusBiceps BrachiiBrachialisDeltoidTeres MinorBrachioradialisSerratus AnteriorSubscapularisPectoralis MajorCoracobrachialisTeres MajorSupinatorExtensor Carpi Radialis BrevisExtensor Carpi Radialis LongusLatissimus DorsiDamage to the C6 motor neuron by way of impingement ischemia trauma or degeneration of nerve tissue can cause denervation of one or more of the associated muscles.