Trigonocephaly (Greek: ‘trigonon’ = triangle ‘kephale’ = head) is a congenital condition of premature fusion of the metopic suture (Greek: ‘metopon’ = forehead) leading to a triangular shaped forehead. The […]
List of articles in "Disease" category - Page 564
Scaphocephaly (Pronunciation: skaf-O-sef-aly) derived from the Greek skaphe (a light boat or skiff) describes a specific variety of a long narrow head that resembles an inverted boat.It is a type […]
Plagiocephaly also known as flat head syndrome is a condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion (flattening of one side) of the skull. It is characterized by a flat spot on […]
Oxycephaly also known as turricephaly acrocephaly hypsicephaly oxycephalia steeple head tower head tower skull high-head syndrome and Turmschädel is a type of cephalic disorder where the top of the skull […]
Brachycephaly also known as flat head syndrome is a type of cephalic disorder. It is a normal variation in some domesticated dog and cat breeds and can be normal or […]
Macrocephaly (derived from the ancient Greek adjective μακροκέφαλος makroképhalos long-headed composed of the words μακρός makros long + κεφαλή kephalé head) occurs when the head is abnormally large (2.5 standard […]
Schizencephaly (from Greek skhizein meaning to split and enkephalos meaning brain) is a rare birth defect characterized by abnormal continuity of grey matter extending from the ependyma of the cerebral […]
Microcephaly is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is an important neurologic sign but there is nonuniformity in the definition of microcephaly. It is usually defined as a head circumference (HC) more […]
Porencephaly is an extremely rare cephalic disorder involving encephalomalacia. It is a neurological disorder of the central nervous system characterized with cysts or cavities within the cerebral hemisphere. Porencephaly was […]
Megalencephaly (or Macrencephaly abbreviated MEG) is a growth development disorder in which the brain is abnormally large. It is characterized by a brain with an average weight that is 2.5 […]