NGC 12 is a spiral galaxy in the Pisces constellation.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 724
NGC 11
NGC 11 is a spiral galaxy located in the Andromeda constellation. It is located at right ascension 00h 08m 42.5s; declination +37° 26′ 53″; under J2000.0 coordinates.
Delta Muscae
Delta Muscae (δ Mus δ Muscae) often catalogued as HD 112985 is a spectroscopic binary star system and the closest to the Earth in the southern hemisphere constellation of Musca […]
NGC 10
NGC 10 is a spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation.
NGC 9 is a spiral galaxy about 140 million light years away in the Pegasus constellation. It was discovered 27 September 1865 by Otto Struve.
NGC 7 is a spiral galaxy located in the Sculptor constellation. It was discovered by English astronomer John Herschel in 1834 who was using an 18.7 inch reflector telescope at […]
Beta Monocerotis
Beta Monocerotis (Beta Mon β Monocerotis β Mon) is a triple star system in the constellation of Monoceros. To the naked eye it appears as a single star with an […]
Gamma Microscopii
Gamma Microscopii (γ Microscopii γ Mic) is the brightest star in the faint southern constellation of Microscopium. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 4.68 which is too dim to […]
Beta Mensae
Beta Mensae (Beta Men β Mensae β Men) is the third brightest star in the constellation of Mensa. It is a G-type giant with an apparent visual magnitude of approximately […]
Beta Lacertae
Beta Lacertae (Beta Lac β Lacertae β Lac) is the fourth brightest star in the constellation of Lacerta. It is a G-type giant with an apparent visual magnitude of approximately […]