NGC 7424 is a barred spiral galaxy located 37.5 million light-years away in the southern constellation Grus (the Crane). Its structure and diameter (about 100000 light-years) make it similar to […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 722
(49998) 2000 AA13
(49998) 2000 AA13 is a small asteroid in the asteroid belt orbiting the Sun.
(49999) 2000 AW14
(49999) 2000 AW14 is a small asteroid in the asteroid belt.
Lambda Muscae
Lambda Muscae (λ Mus λ Muscae) often catalogued HD 102249 or HIP 57363 is the fourth brightest star in the southern hemisphere constellation of Musca (the Fly). Lambda Muscae visibly […]
NGC 31
NGC 31 is a spiral galaxy located in the Phoenix constellation.
NGC 28
NGC 28 is an elliptical galaxy located in the Phoenix constellation.
NGC 27
NGC 27 is a spiral galaxy located in the Andromeda constellation.
NGC 26
NGC 26 is a spiral galaxy in the Pegasus constellation.
NGC 25
NGC 25 is a lenticular galaxy situated in the Phoenix constellation.
NGC 24
NGC 24 is a spiral galaxy in the Sculptor constellation.