The rectus capitis posterior minor (rectus capitis posticus minor) arises by a narrow pointed tendon from the tubercle on the posterior arch of the atlas and widening as it ascends […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 322
Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
The Rectus capitis posterior major (Rectus capitis posticus major) arises by a pointed tendon from the spinous process of the axis and becoming broader as it ascends is inserted into […]
Splenius cervicis muscle
The splenius cervicis (/ˈspliːni.əs sərˈvaɪsɨs/) (also known as the splenius colli /ˈspliːni.əs ˈkɒlaɪ/) is a muscle in the back of the neck.
Splenius capitis muscle
The splenius capitis (/ˈspliːni.əs ˈkæpɨtɨs/) (from Greek spléníon meaning bandage and Latin caput meaning head) is a broad straplike muscle in the back of the neck. It pulls on the […]
Rotatores muscles
The rotatores (rotatores spinae) muscle lie beneath the multifidus and is present in all spinal regions but most prominent in the thoracic region; they are eleven in number on either […]
Multifidus muscle
The multifidus (multifidus spinae : pl. multifidi ) muscle consists of a number of fleshy and tendinous fasciculi which fill up the groove on either side of the spinous processes […]
Rectus capitis lateralis muscle
For the muscle of the eye see Lateral rectus muscleThe Rectus capitis lateralis a short flat muscle arises from the upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas and […]
Rectus capitis anterior muscle
The rectus capitis anterior (rectus capitis anticus minor) is a short flat muscle situated immediately behind the upper part of the Longus capitis.
Longus colli muscle
The Longus colli muscle is a muscle of the human body. The Longus colli is situated on the anterior surface of the vertebral column between the atlas and the third […]
Longus capitis muscle
The longus capitis muscle (rectus capitis anticus major) broad and thick above narrow below arises by four tendinous slips from the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third […]