The sphincter ani externus (external anal sphincter) is a flat plane of muscular fibers elliptical in shape and intimately adherent to the integument surrounding the margin of the anus.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 321
Corrugator cutis ani muscle
The Corrugator Cutis Ani aka Ellis’ muscle after the anatomist George Viner Ellis.Around the anus is a thin stratum of involuntary muscle fiber which radiates from the orifice. Medially the […]
Quadratus lumborum muscle
The Quadratus lumborum is a muscle in the lower back. It is irregular and quadrilateral in shape and broader below than above.
Psoas minor muscle
The psoas minor is a long slender skeletal muscle which when present is located anterior to the psoas major muscle.
Abdominal external oblique muscle
The external oblique muscle (of the abdomen) (also external abdominal oblique muscle) is the largest and the most superficial (outermost) of the three flat muscles of the lateral anterior abdomen.
Subcostalis muscle
The Subcostales (singular: subcostalis) (Infracostales) consist of muscular and aponeurotic fasciculi which are usually well-developed only in the lower part of the thorax; each originates from the inner surface of […]
Serratus posterior inferior muscle
The Serratus posterior inferior muscle (or posterior serratus) is a muscle of the human body.
Serratus posterior superior muscle
The serratus posterior superior is a thin quadrilateral muscle situated at the upper and back part of the thorax deep to the rhomboid muscles.It arises by a thin and broad […]
Internal intercostal muscles
The internal intercostal muscles (intercostales interni) are a group of skeletal muscles located between the ribs. They are eleven in number on either side.
External intercostal muscles
The Intercostales externi (External intercostals) are eleven in number on either side.They extend from the tubercles of the ribs behind to the cartilages of the ribs in front where they […]