The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Monstrosa’ is believed to have originated in France.
List of articles in "Species" category - Page 1243
Ulmus alata ‘Lace Parasol’
The Winged Elm Ulmus alata cultivar ‘Lace Parasol’ [1] was found by a North Carolina nurseryman growing in local woods. Removed to his yard it remained there until his death […]
Ulmus americana ‘Moline’
The American Elm Ulmus americana ‘Moline’ is one of the older cultivars originating as a wild seedling transplanted to Moline in 1903 and propagated from 1916 .
Ulmus americana ‘Littleford’
The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar ‘Littleford’ is an older cultivar originally cloned from a tree in Hinsdale circa 1915 and first released in 1927.
Ulmus americana ‘Lake City’
The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar ‘Lake City’ was described by Wyman in Trees Magazine 3 (4): 13 1940.
Ulmus minor ‘Umbraculifera’
The Field Elm Ulmus minor sensu latissimo cultivar ‘Umbraculifera’ was originally cultivated in Iran where it was widely planted as an ornamental and occasionally grew to a great size. Litvinov […]
Ulmus minor ‘Silvery Gem’
The Field Elm Ulmus minor sensu latissimo cultivar ‘Silvery Gem’ is a highly ornamental clone.
Ulmus minor ‘Propendens’
The Field Elm Ulmus minor sensu latissimo cultivar ‘Propendens’ is a comparatively rare cultivar believed to have once been popular in eastern Europe.[1].
Ulmus minor ‘Schuurhoek’
The Field Elm Ulmus minor sensu latissimo cultivar ‘Schuurhoek’ was originally an old nameless clone found in the vicinity of Goes Netherlands which was taken back into cultivation as ‘Schuurhoek’ […]
Goldfinger banana
The Goldfinger banana (FHIA-01) is a banana cultivar developed in Honduras. The cultivar developed at the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research (FHIA) by a team of scientists led by Phillip […]