The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Nigra’ the Black Irish Elm was first mentioned by Loddiges ex Loudon in Arb. Frut. Brit. 3: 1898.
List of articles in "Species" category - Page 1236
Bald Eagle (horse)
Bald Eagle (1955-1977) was an American-bred Thoroughbred Eclipse Award-winning racehorse who competed successfully in both the United Kingdom and the United States. He won the Washington D.C. International Stakes twice […]
Ulmus ‘Nana’
The elm cultivar ‘Nana’ is a very slow growing shrub that with time forms a small tree. It was believed for many years to be a form of Ulmus glabra […]
Ulmus glabra ‘Minor’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Minor’ was described by Loudon in Arb. Fruit. Brit. 3: 1898.
Ulmus glabra ‘Maculata’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Maculata’ was described by Audibert (Tonelle Tarascon France) in 1832.
Ulmus glabra ‘Macrophylla’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Macrophylla’ was first mentioned by Lavallée in Arb. Segrez. 237 1877.
Ulmus glabra ‘Luteo Variegata’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Luteo Variegata’ was first described by Richard Weston in Bot. Univ 1: 315 1770.
Ulmus glabra ‘Latifolia Nigricans’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Latifolia Nigricans’ was described by Pynaert in Tijdschr. Boomtelt 58. 1879.
Ulmus glabra ‘Latifolia Aurea’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Latifolia Aurea’ was listed by Schelle in Beissner et al. Handb. Laubh. Benenn. 84. 1903 but without description.
Ulmus glabra ‘Latifolia Aureo-Variegata’
The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar ‘Latifolia Aureo-Variegata’ was first mentioned by Neubert in Deutsch. Mag. Gart. Blumenk. 343. 1871.