Bowl of Flowers (foaled 1958 in Virginia) was an American Hall of Fame Thoroughbred Champion racehorse.
List of articles in "Species" category - Page 1189
Rosa ‘American Beauty’
‘American Beauty’ is a hybrid perpetual rose bred in France in 1875 and originally named ‘Madame Ferdinand Jamin’. The cup-shaped flowers which are deep pink and strongly scented are situated […]
Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda commonly known in English as Malabar Nut Adulsa Adhatoda Vasa or Vasaka is a medicinal plant native to Asia widely used in Siddha Medicine Ayurvedic and Unani systems […]
Ulmus × arbuscula
The hybrid elm Ulmus × arbuscula E. Wolf was derived from a crossing of Ulmus pumila with Ulmus scabra (: glabra) in St. Petersburg Russia.
Runaway Groom
Runaway Groom (1979–2007) was a Canadian Hall of Fame Thoroughbred racehorse.
Banksia ‘Stumpy Gold’
Banksia ‘Stumpy Gold’ is a dwarf cultivar of Banksia spinulosa var. collina that was selected by Richard Anderson of Merricks Nursery in Victoria from material collected at Catherine Hill Bay […]
Barleria obtusa
The Bush violet (Barleria obtusa) occurs naturally along forest margins in the summer rainfall region of South Africa. It is widely cultivated as a decorative garden shrub. In tropical Africa […]
Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Hay-scented Fern) is a species of fern native to eastern North America from Newfoundland west to Wisconsin and Arkansas and south in the Appalachian Mountains to northern Alabama; […]
Dodonaea angustifolia
The Sand olive is a slender shrub or small tree that occurs naturally from southern Africa to Arabia as well as in Australia and New Zealand. The seed capsules are […]
In taxonomy the Thermoproteaceae are a family of the Thermoproteales.