Juniperus saltuaria is a species of conifer in the Cupressaceae family.It is found only in China.
List of articles in "Species" category - Page 1146
Juniperus saltillensis
Juniperus saltillensis is a species of conifer in the Cupressaceae family.It is found only in Mexico.
Juniperus rigida
Juniperus rigida (Temple Juniper) is a species of juniper native to northern China Korea Japan and the far southeast of Russia (Sakhalin and Primorsky Krai) occurring at altitudes of 10-2200 […]
Juniperus pseudosabina
Juniperus pseudosabina the Turkestan Juniper (syn. J. centrasiatica Kom. J. turkestanica Kom.) is a species of juniper.
Juniperus przewalskii
Juniperus przewalskii (Przewalski’s Juniper) is a species of juniper native to the mountains of western China in Gansu Qinghai and northernmost Sichuan growing at altitudes of 1000-3300 m.It is an […]
Juniperus pingii
Juniperus pingii is a species of conifer in the Cupressaceae family.It is found only in China.
Juniperus pinchotii
Juniperus pinchotii (Pinchot Juniper or Redberry Juniper; syn. J. erythrocarpa Cory J. texensis van Melle) is a species of juniper native to southwestern North America in Mexico: Nuevo León and […]
Juniperus monticola
Juniperus monticola is a species of conifer in the Cupressaceae family.It is found only in Mexico.
Juniperus monosperma
Juniperus monosperma (One-seed Juniper) is a species of juniper native to western North America in the United States in Arizona New Mexico southern Colorado western Oklahoma (Panhandle) and western Texas […]
Juniperus komarovii
Juniperus komarovii is a species of conifer in the Cupressaceae family.It is found only in China.