Sessilia is an order of barnacles comprising the barnacles without stalks or acorn barnacles. They form a monophyletic group and are probably derived from stalked barnacles. The order is divided […]
List of articles in "Species" category - Page 1020
In taxonomy Methanothermococcus is a genus of the Methanococcaceae.
In taxonomy Methanotorris is a genus of the Methanocaldococcaceae.
Maltese freshwater crab
The Maltese freshwater crab (Qabru) is a subspecies of freshwater crab endemic to certain areas within the Maltese Islands. It is very rare and its numbers have been decreasing in […]
Hyperiidae is a family of amphipods containing the following genera:Euthemisto Bovallius 1887Hyperia Latreille in Desmarest 1823Hyperiella Bovallius 1887Hyperoche Bovallius 1887Laxohyperia M. Vinogradov & Volkov 1982Parathemisto Boeck 1870Pegohyperia Barnard 1931Themisto Guérin-Méneville […]
Hyalella is a South and North American genus of mainly freshwater amphipods. The species in Hyalella include:
Ingolfiellidae is a family of amphipod crustaceans comprising the following genera:Ingolfiella Hansen 1903Proleleupia Vonk & Schram 2003Rapaleleupia Vonk & Schram 2007Stygobarnardia Ruffo 1985Trogloleleupia Ruffo 1974↑ ↑
Niphargidae is a family of amphipod crustaceans. Its distribution is in western Eurasia and its members mainly live in subterranean freshwaters habitats. It contains the following genera:Carinurella Sket 1971Foroniphargus G. […]
Paramelitidae is a family of amphipods containing the following genera:Antipodeus Williams & Barnard 1988Aquadulcaris Stewart & Griffiths 1995Austrocrangonyx Barnard & Barnard 1983Austrogammarus Barnard & Karaman 1983Chydaekata Bradbury 2000Giniphargus Karaman & […]
Crangonyctidae is a family of cave-dwelling freshwater amphipod crustaceans. It contains the following genera:Amurocrangonyx Sidorov & Holsinger 2007 Bactrurus Hay 1902Crangonyx Bate 1859Lyurella Derzhavin 1939† Palaeogammarus Zaddach 1864Stygobromus Cope 1872Stygonyx […]