Sindarin is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his secondary world known as Middle-earth. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the […]
List of articles in "Language" category - Page 452
Quenya (pronounced [ˈkwɛnja]) is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien and used by the Elves in his fictional universe that is commonly known as Middle-earth.Tolkien began devising […]
The Konjo (pl. Bakonjo sing. Mukonjo) or Konzo are a people located in the Rwenzori Mountains of southwest Uganda. Numbering 361709 in the 1992 census they live on the plains […]
Hidatsa language
Hidatsa /hɪˈdɑːtsə/ is an endangered Siouan language closely related to the Crow language. It is spoken by the Hidatsa tribe primarily in North Dakota and South Dakota.A description of Hidatsa-Mandan […]
Fergana Kipchak language
Fergana Kipchak also Kuman Qomanian or Kipchak Uzbek is an extinct Turkic language formerly spoken in the Fergana Valley in Central Asia. It split from East Kipchak in the middle […]
Enawene Nawe language
Enawene Nawe (Enawené-Nawé Enawenê-Nawê Eneuene-Mare) also known as Salumã is an Arawakan language of Brazil spoken by about 350 people in the state of Mato Grosso. Aikhenvald (1999) classifies it […]
Wirö language
Wirö (also called Itoto Wotuja Jojod or various forms of Maku) is an indigenous language of Colombia and Venezuela. It is attested only by a list of 38 words collected […]
Piaroa language
Piaroa (also called Guagua ~ Kuakua ~ Quaqua Adole ~ Ature Wo’tiheh) is an indigenous language of Colombia and Venezuela native to the Piaroa people. A Wirö language (commonly called […]
Saliba language (South America)
Saliba (Spanish: Sáliba Sáliva) is an indigenous language of Eastern Colombia and Venezuela. Saliba was used by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century to communicate with indigenous peoples of the […]
Wulguru language
Wulguru or Manbara is an extinct Australian Aboriginal language that was spoken around the area around present day Townsville Queensland on the east coast of Australia. The range of Wulguru […]