Aranama (Araname) also known as Tamique is an extinct unclassified language of Texas. It was spoken by the Aranama and Tamique peoples at the Franciscan mission of Espíritu Santo de […]
List of articles in "Language" category - Page 385
Tremembé language
Tremembé AKA Teremembé is an extinct and unattested language of Brazil. It was originally spoken by the Tremembé people who once inhabited the northern Brazilian coasts from Pará to Ceará. […]
Tingui-Botó language
Tingui-Boto or Tingui also known as Carapató ~ Karapató is an extinct unclassified language of Brazil. The ethnic population is about 350.
Kamba language (Brazil)
Kamba (Camba) is an extinct unclassified language of Brazil. The ethnic population of about 2000 migrated from Bolivia. They may have been Tupian.
Natagaimas language
Natagaimas is an extinct unclassified language of Colombia.
Coxima language
Coxima (Koxima) is an extinct unclassified language of Colombia.
Chipiajes language
Chipiajes is an extinct unclassified language of Colombia. The people survive as a Saliba surname; Chipiajes is also a common name among the Guahibo.
Cagua language
Maracay is an extinct and unclassified language of Colombia.
Truká language
Truká is an extinct and unattested but presumed language of Brazil. The ethnic population is about 1300.
Wasu language
Wasu (Waçu Wassú) is an extinct and unattested presumed language of Brazil. The ethnic population is about 1500.