Keiga or Yega is a Kadu language spoken in Kordofan. Dialects are Demik (Rofik) and Keiga proper (Aigang).
List of articles in "Language" category - Page 363
Tulishi language
Tulishi (Kuntulishi Thulishi Tulesh) is a Kadu language spoken in Kordofan. Dialects are Tulishi proper and Kamdang.
Tumtum language
Tumtum is a Kadu language spoken in Kordofan. Dialects are Karondi (Kurondi Korindi) Talassa and Tumtum proper.
Kabixí language
Kabixí was a Chapacuran language. SIL reported 100 speakers in 1986 but in 2010 declared it extinct.
Grebo language
Grebo is a Kru language of Liberia. All of the Grebo languages commonly go by the term Grebo though in Ivory Coast Krumen is usual. Grebo country is in the […]
Jie (Uganda)
The Jie are an ethnic group of Uganda. They belong to the Karamojong Cluster which also includes the Karamojong and Dodoth people.Their country in northeast Uganda lies between the Dodoth […]
Nadëb language
Nadëb or Kaburi is a Nadahup language of the Brazilian Amazon along the Uneiuxi Japura and Negro rivers. Various names for it include Nadöbö Xïriwai Hahöb Guariba/Wariwa Kaborí Anodöub sometimes […]
Carpathian Romani
Carpathian Romani also known as Central Romani also Romungro Romani is group of dialects of the Romani language spoken from southern Poland to Hungary and from eastern Austria to Ukraine.North […]
ǂHaba language
Not to be confused with the Qabekhoe dialect of NaroǂHaba (ǂHabá) is a variety of the Khoe languages spoken in Botswana. Traditionally included in the Gǁana dialect cluster it may […]
Konyak language
Konyak is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken by the Konyak people of Nagaland north-eastern India.