Meixian dialect (Moiyen) also known as Meizhou (梅州話) Moiyen and Yue-Tai is the prestige dialect of Hakka Chinese and the primary form of Hakka on Taiwan. It is named after […]
List of articles in "Language" category - Page 337
Wuhua dialect
Wuhua (五華話) is a major dialect of Hakka Chinese. It is characterized by the pronunciation of many voiced Middle Chinese qu-sheng (4th Tone) syllables of Moiyen dialect in the shang-sheng […]
Landoma language
Landoma (Landouman Landuma) or Cocoli is a language of western Guinea. It is the most populous of the Baga languages in the Mel branch of the Niger–Congo language family. It […]
Kasa language
Kasa or Jóola-Kaasa (also Bacuki Casa etc.) is a Jola language of the Casamance region of Senegal and neighboring Gambia.Dialects are Ayun Bliss (Niomoun) Esulalu (Oussouye) Fluvial Huluf Selek.
Kwatay language
Kwatay (Kuwaataay) is a divergent Jola language of Senegal.
Noon language
Noon (Non None Serer-Noon) is a Cangin language of Senegal. Ethnologue reports that it is 84% cognate (and 52% intelligible) with Lehar essentially a divergent dialect and 68% cognate with […]
Ndut language
Ndut (Ndoute) is a Cangin language of Senegal. Ethnologue reports that it is 84% cognate (and 55% intelligible) with Palor essentially a divergent dialect and 68% cognate with the other […]
Baga Mboteni language
Baga Mboteni is a nearly extinct Senegambian language of Guinea. Despite the name it is not one of the Baga languages.
Mbulungish language
Mbulungish is a Senegambian language of Guinea. Its various names include Baga Foré Baga Monson Black Baga Bulunits Longich Monchon Monshon.
Badyara language
Badyara is a Senegambian language of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.Variants of the name are Badara Badian Badjara Badyaranké; there are also Jaad Bigola Gola Kanjad Pajade Pajadinka.