Prurigo is an itchy eruption of the skin.Specific types include: Prurigo nodularis Actinic prurigo Besnier’s prurigo (a specific type of atopic dermatitis).
List of articles in "Disease" category - Page 281
Mendelson’s syndrome
Mendelson’s syndrome is chemical pneumonitis caused by aspiration during anaesthesia especially during pregnancy. Aspiration contents may include gastric juice blood bile water or an association of them.
Hallux rigidus
Degenerative arthritis and stiffness due to bone spurs that affects the MTP joint at the base of the hallux (big toe) is called hallux rigidus or stiff big toe.
Ectromelia is a congenital condition where long bones are missing or underdeveloped.Examples include:AmeliaHemimeliaPhocomeliaSirenomelia↑
Platybasia is a spinal disease of a malformed relationship between the occipital bone and cervical spine.It may be caused by Paget’s disease. Platybasia is also a feature of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome […]
Wissler’s syndrome
Wissler’s syndrome (or Wissler-Fanconi syndrome) is a rheumatic disease that has a similar presentation to sepsis.It is sometimes considered closely related to Still’s disease.It is named for Hans Wissler.
Caplan’s syndrome
Caplan’s syndrome (or Caplan disease or Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis) is a combination of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and pneumoconiosis that manifests as intrapulmonary nodules which appear homogenous and well-defined on chest X-ray.
Micrognathism (or Micrognathia) is a condition where the jaw is undersized. It is also sometimes called Mandibular hypoplasia.[citation needed] It is common in infants[citation needed] but is usually self-corrected during […]
Retrognathia (or retrognathism) is a type of malocclusion which refers to an abnormal posterior positioning of the maxilla or mandible particularly the mandible relative to the facial skeleton and soft […]
Chondrodysplasia punctata
Chondrodysplasia punctata is a clinically and genetically diverse group of rare diseases first described by Erich Conradi (1882–1968) that share the features of stippled epiphyses and skeletal changes.Types include: Rhizomelic […]