Chromium(III) nitrate describes several inorganic compounds consisting of chromium nitrate and varying amounts of water. Most common is the dark violet hydrated solid but an anhydrous green form is also […]
List of articles in "Chemical Substance" category - Page 528
The endmember hornblende tschermakite (Ca2(MgFe2+)3Al2(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2) is a calcium rich monoclinic amphibole mineral. It is frequently synthesized along with its ternary solid solution series members tremolite and cummingtonite so that the […]
Schreyerite (V2Ti3O9) is a vanadium titanium oxide mineral found in the Lasamba Hill Kwale district in Coast Province Kenya. It is a polymorph of kyzylkumite. The mineral occurs as exsolution […]
Santabarbaraite is an amorphous ferric hydroxy phosphate mineral hydrate that was discovered in Tuscany Italy in 2000. It also can be found in Victoria Australia and Lake Baikal Siberia. This […]
Julgoldite is a member of the pumpellyite mineral series a series of minerals characterized by the chemical bonding of silica tetrahedra with alkali and transition metal cations. Julgoldites along with […]
Calcium(I) chloride
Calcium(I) chloride (CaCl) is an unstable diatomic molecule whose bonding is strongly ionic in nature.A solid with the composition CaCl was reported in 1953 however later efforts to reproduce this […]
Arsenic pentachloride
Arsenic pentachloride is a chemical compound of arsenic and chlorine. This compound was first prepared in 1976 through the UV irradiation of arsenic trichloride AsCl3 in liquid chlorine at −105°C. […]
Atheneite is a rare palladium mercury arsenide mineral with formula (PdHg)3As associated with palladium–gold deposits. Its composition parallels that of arsenopalladinite (Pd8(AsSb)3) isomertieite (Pd11Sb2As2) and meritieite-II (Pd8(SbAs)3)(Cabral 2002).
Pabstite is a barium tin titanium silicate mineral that is found in contact metamorphosed limestone. It belongs to the benitoite group of minerals. The chemical formula of pabstite is Ba(SnTi)Si3O9. […]
Krutovite is a cubic nickel diarsenide with a chemical composition of NiAs2 and a sulfur content of 0.02-0.34 weight percent (Vinogradova et al. 1977). Krutovite is composed of nickel and […]