Alpha-Ketoisocaproic acid α-Ketoisocaproic acid is an intermediate in the metabolism of leucine.
List of articles in "Chemical Substance" category - Page 492
Veatchite is an unusual strontium borate with the chemical formula Sr2B11O16(OH)5·H2O. There are two known polytypes veatchite-A and veatchite-p.Veatchite was discovered in 1938 at the Sterling Borax mine in Tick […]
Northupite is an uncommon evaporite mineral with the chemical formula Na3Mg(CO3)2Cl. It occurs as colourless to dark grey or brown octahedral crystals and as globular masses. In synthetic material it […]
Nobleite is a rare borate mineral with the chemical formula CaB6O9(OH)2·3(H2O). It was discovered in 1961 in Death Valley California and is named for Levi F. Noble a USGS geologist […]
Meyerhofferite is a hydrated borate mineral with the chemical formula Ca2B6O6(OH)10·2(H2O) CaB3O3(OH)5·H2O or Ca2(H3B3O7)2·4(H2O). It occurs principally as an alteration product of inyoite another borate mineral.Natural meyerhofferite was discovered in […]
Linnaeite is a cobalt sulfide mineral with the composition Co+2Co+32S4. It was discovered in 1845 in Västmanland Sweden and was named to honor Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).Linnaeite forms a series with […]
Kurnakovite is a hydrated borate mineral with the chemical composition MgB3O3(OH)5·5H2O. It is a member of the inderite group and is a triclinic dimorph of the monoclinic inderite.
Hydroboracite is a hydrated borate mineral (hence the name) whose chemical composition is CaMgB6O8(OH)6·3(H2O) . It was discovered in 1834 in Atyrau Province Kazakhstan. Hydroboracite is a minor borate ore […]
Gratonite is a lead-arsenic sulfosalt mineral with the chemical composition Pb9As4S15. Gratonite was discovered in 1939 at the Excelsior Mine Cerro de Pasco Peru. It is named in honor of […]
Ammonium dinitramide
Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is the ammonium salt of dinitraminic acid. ADN decomposes under heat to leave only nitrogen oxygen and water. The ions are the ammonium ion NH4+ and the […]