11075 Dönhoff is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 1369.4879158 days (3.75 years).The asteroid was discovered on September 23 1992.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 899
10423 Dajčić
10423 Dajčić is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 1228.4367968 days (3.36 years).The asteroid was discovered on January 16 1999. It is named after Mario Dajčić (1923-1991) […]
10174 Emička
10174 Emička is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 1662.6140449 days (4.55 years).The asteroid was discovered on May 2 1995 by Z. Moravec and named after his […]
V636 Scorpii
V636 Scorpii is a classical Cepheid (delta Cep type) star.
R Serpentis
R Serpentis or R Ser is a Mira variable type star.
BY Draconis
BY Draconis is a multi-star system in the constellation Draco. It consists of at least three components. Components A and B form a close binary star system with a short […]
128065 Bartbenjamin
128065 Bartbenjamin (2003 OK) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 19 2003 by Bert L. Stevens at Desert Moon Observatory. It is probably between 1.9 and 2.6 kilometers (1.2 […]
BB Doradus
BB Doradus or BB Dor is a nova-like star.
Pi Lupi
Pi Lupi π Lupi is a star in a double system.
R Reticuli
R Reticuli or S Reticuli (R Ret or S Ret) is Mira variable star.