2007 VL305 is a Neptune trojan discovered on November 4 2007 by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It was first imaged in November 2005 and was the sixth such object […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 872
EW Aquarii
EW Aquarii is a Delta Scuti variable star.
IZ Aquarii
IZ Aquarii is a star RR Lyr variable type.
2008 HO3
2008 HO3 is an asteroid which is listed on the Near Earth Object Risk List. It was once rated at Level 0 on the Torino Scale.
2008 HS3
2008 HS3 is an asteroid.
2008 HR3
2008 HR3 is a small asteroid which is listed on the Near Earth Object Risk List that at one time had a rating on the Torino Scale of Level 0.
2008 HQ3
2008 HQ3 is a small asteroid .
11252 Laërtes
11252 Laërtes is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 4282.8865608 days (11.73 years).The asteroid was discovered on September 19 1973.
11193 Mérida
11193 Mérida is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 2089.6005630 days (5.72 years).The asteroid was discovered on December 11 1998.
11163 Milešovka
11163 Milešovka is a main belt asteroid with an orbital period of 1941.3845318 days (5.32 years).The asteroid was discovered on February 4 1998.