127545 Crisman (provisional designation: 2002 XZ91) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by Robert L. Millis at the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona on December 4 2002. […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 494
127196 Hanaceplechová
127196 Hanaceplechová (provisional designation: 2002 HH) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered at the Ondřejov Observatory near Ondřejov the Czech Republic on April 16 2002. It is named […]
126578 Suhhosoo
126578 Suhhosoo (provisional designation: 2002 CK116) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by Young-Beom Jeon at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory on February 11 2002. It is named […]
126445 Prestonreeves
126445 Prestonreeves (provisional designation: 2002 CH16) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by John V. McClusky at the Kingsnake Observatory on February 7 2002. It is named after […]
127005 Pratchett
127005 Pratchett (provisional designation 2002 GY1) is a main belt asteroid. It was discovered by J. Dellinger and W. G. Dillon on April 1 2002 at George Observatory. 127005 Pratchett […]
126444 Wylie
126444 Wylie (provisional designation: 2002 CF16) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by John V. McClusky at the Kingsnake Observatory on February 7 2002. It is named after […]
126245 Kandókálmán
126245 Kandókálmán (provisional designation: 2002 AY66) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by Krisztián Sárneczky and Zsuzsanna Heiner at the Piszkéstető Station in the Mátra mountains of Hungary […]
125476 Frangarcia
125476 Frangarcia (provisional designation: 2001 WE16) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by Rafael Ferrando at the Observatorio Astronomico Pla D’Arguines in Segorbe Spain on November 27 2001. […]
165347 Philplait
165347 Philplait (provisional designation 2000 WG11) is a main belt asteroid. It was discovered by Jeff Medkeff on November 23 2000 at Junk Bond Observatory. 165347 Philplait is named after […]
125473 Keisaku
125473 Keisaku (provisional designation: 2001 WP14) is a main-belt minor planet. It was discovered by Akimasa Nakamura at the Kuma Kogen Astronomical Observatory in Kumakōgen Ehime Prefecture Japan on November […]