573 Recha is a minor planet orbiting the Sun. The asteroid discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on September 19 1905 was named after a character in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 2103
570 Kythera
570 Kythera is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
571 Dulcinea
571 Dulcinea is an R-type asteroid.
569 Misa
569 Misa is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
567 Eleutheria
567 Eleutheria is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
568 Cheruskia
568 Cheruskia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer Paul Götz on July 26 1905 from Heidelberg.Photometric observations of this asteroid at the Palmer […]
566 Stereoskopia
566 Stereoskopia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun. It is a member of the Cybele group located beyond the core of the main belt (see Minor planet groups). It […]
565 Marbachia
565 Marbachia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun. It was named after the German city of Marbach on the river Neckar birthplace of the writer Friedrich Schiller.
563 Suleika
563 Suleika is a minor planet orbiting the Sun. Previously designated as 1905 QK it was discovered by German astronomer Paul Götz on April 6 1905 from Heidelberg Germany.Photometric observations […]
564 Dudu
564 Dudu is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.