2161 Anhui (1966 BE) is a Main-belt asteroid discovered on January 30 1966 by the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nankin China.The name is from the Chinese province of Anhui
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 1904
2106 Hugo
2106 Hugo (1936 UF) is a Main-belt asteroid discovered on October 21 1936 by Marguerite Laugier at Nice.The name Hugo proposed by Jean Meeus was received in honour of the […]
1677 Tycho Brahe
1677 Tycho Brahe is an asteroid in the main asteroid belt of the group (1940 RO). It is named for the pre-telescopic era astronomer Tycho Brahe (December 14 1546 – […]
1652 Hergé
1652 Hergé is a main belt asteroid discovered August 9 1953 by Sylvain Julien Victor Arend in Uccle and named in honour of Georges Remi also known as Hergé.
18 Delphini b
18 Delphini b or 18 Del b is a very massive and dense planet approximately 238 light-years away in the constellation of Delphinus. The planet orbits the yellow giant star […]
41 Lyncis b
41 Lyncis b (also called HD 81688 b) is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits the star 41 Lyncis. It has a minimum mass of 2.7 times that of Jupiter […]
Xi Aquilae b
Xi Aquilae b (or ksi Aql b) is an extrasolar planet approximately 200 light-years away in the constellation of Aquila. The planet was discovered orbiting the yellow giant star Xi […]
34718 Cantagalli
34718 Cantagalli is a main belt asteroid with a perihelion of 2.8189219 AU. It has an eccentricity of 0.1234863 and an orbital period of 2108.0814532 days (5.77 years).Caldeira has an […]
6256 Canova
6256 Canova is a main belt asteroid with a perihelion of 2.0156178 AU. It has an eccentricity of 0.1724936 and an orbital period of 1388.5249368 days (3.80 years).Calinger has an […]
21711 Wilfredwong
21711 Wilfredwong is an minor planet discovered on September 7 1999 by MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) program. It lies in the Ceres belt of the solar system.It […]