10426 Charlierouse (1999 BB27) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on January 16 1999 by Spacewatch at Kitt Peak.It was officially named to honor Charlie Rouse in 2007 by its discoverer […]
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 1772
8677 Charlier
8677 Charlier (1992 ES5) is a main-belt asteroid.
13933 Charleville
13933 Charleville (1988 VE1) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 2 1988 by T. Seki at Geisei. It was named after the town Charleville in Queensland Australia and is […]
32222 Charlesvest
32222 Charlesvest (2000 OD23) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 23 2000 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
29613 Charlespicard
29613 Charlespicard (1998 SB2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 16 1998 by P. G. Comba at Prescott.
15969 Charlesgreen
15969 Charlesgreen (1998 EW11) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 1 1998 by E. W. Elst at the European Southern Observatory.
5878 Charlene
5878 Charlene (1991 CC1) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 14 1991 by Helin E. F. at Palomar.
21128 Chapuis
21128 Chapuis (1993 BJ5) is an outer main-belt asteroid discovered on January 27 1993 by E. W. Elst at Caussols. It is named for Belgian surgeon Grégoire-Joseph Chapuis.
2409 Chapman
2409 Chapman (1979 UG) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 17 1979 by E. Bowell at the Anderson Mesa station of the Lowell Observatory.