5997 Dirac (1983 TH) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 1 1983 by A. Mrkos at Klet.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 1711
27130 Dipaola
27130 Dipaola (1998 XA3) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on December 8 1998 by A. Boattini and M. Tombelli at San Marcello Pistoiese.
22632 DiNovis
22632 DiNovis (1998 KG64) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on May 22 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
26498 Dinotina
26498 Dinotina (2000 CV1) is an outer main-belt asteroid discovered on February 4 2000 by A. Boattini and L. Tesi at Pian dei Termini.
2765 Dinant
2765 Dinant (1981 EY) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 4 1981 by Debehogne H. at La Silla.
17472 Dinah
17472 Dinah (1991 FY) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 17 1991 by T. Niijima and T. Urata at Ojima.
19119 Dimpna
19119 Dimpna (1981 SG3) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 27 1981 by L. G. Karachkina at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.
2371 Dimitrov
2371 Dimitrov (1975 VR3) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 2 1975 by Smirnova T. at Nauchnyj.
4590 Dimashchegolev
4590 Dimashchegolev (1968 OG1) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on July 25 1968 by G. A. Plyugin and Yu. A. Belyaev at Cerro El Roble.