10792 Ecuador (1992 CQ2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on February 2 1992 by E. W. Elst at the European Southern Observatory. Its name refers to the country of Ecuador.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 1693
1750 Eckert
1750 Eckert (1950 NA1) is a Mars-crossing asteroid discovered on July 15 1950 by Reinmuth K. at Heidelberg.
13229 Echion
13229 Echion (1997 VB1) is a Jupiter Trojan discovered on November 2 1997 by J. Ticha and M. Tichy at Klet.
30708 Echepolos
30708 Echepolos (4101 T-3) is a Jupiter Trojan.
37391 Ebre
37391 Ebre (2001 XB) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on December 1 2001 by J. Nomen at Ametlla de Mar Observatory.
5134 Ebilson
5134 Ebilson (1990 SM2) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 17 1990 by H. E. Holt at Palomar.
6308 Ebisuzaki
6308 Ebisuzaki (1990 BK) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on January 17 1990 by Yoshio Kushida and Osamu Muramatsu at the Yatsugatake South Base Observatory.
7791 Ebicykl
7791 Ebicykl (1995 EB) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 1 1995 by M. Tichy at Klet.
8872 Ebenum
8872 Ebenum (1992 GA4) is an outer main-belt asteroid discovered on April 4 1992 by E. W. Elst at the European Southern Observatory.