15093 Lestermackey (1999 TA31) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 4 1999 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
List of articles in "Celestial Body" category - Page 1407
14583 Lester
14583 Lester (1998 RN61) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 14 1998 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
7425 Lessing
7425 Lessing (1992 RO5) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 2 1992 by E. W. Elst at La Silla.
3482 Lesnaya
3482 Lesnaya (1975 VY4) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 2 1975 by T. Smirnova at Nauchnyj.
22162 Leslijohnson
22162 Leslijohnson (2000 WS123) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 29 2000 by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research Team at Socorro.
17242 Leslieyoung
17242 Leslieyoung (2000 EX130) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on March 11 2000 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search at the Anderson Mesa Station.
5571 Lesliegreen
5571 Lesliegreen (1978 LG) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on June 1 1978 by K. W. Kamper at the European Southern Observatory.
13690 Lesleymartin
13690 Lesleymartin (1997 RG9) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on September 8 1997 by T. Pauwels at Uccle.
4741 Leskov
4741 Leskov (1985 VP3) is an outer main-belt asteroid discovered on November 10 1985 by L. G. Karachkina at Nauchnyj.
2222 Lermontov
2222 Lermontov (1977 ST1) is a Main-belt asteroid discovered on September 19 1977 by N. S. Chernykh at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.