The Radiate sternocostal ligaments are fibrous bands that cross from the sternal end of the costal cartilage to the ventral part of the sternum.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 79
Ulnar carpal collateral ligament
The Ulnar carpal collateral ligament is a strong fibrous band that crosses from the tip of the Ulnar styloid process to the triquetral and pisiform bones.
Radiate carpal ligament
The Radiate carpal ligament is a group of about seven fibrous bands which diverge in all directions on the palmar surface of the carpal bones. The majority of the bands […]
Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments
The Plantar cuneonavicular ligaments are fibrous bands that connect the plantar surface of the navicular bone to the adjacent plantar surfaces of the three cuneiform bones.
Plantar cuneocuboid ligament
The Plantar cuneocuboid ligament is a fibrous band that connects the plantar surfaces of the cuboid to the lateral surface of the cuneiform bones.
Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament
The Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament is a fibrous band that connects the plantar surfaces of the cuboid and navicular bones.
Interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments
The Interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments are fibrous bands that connect the adjacent surfaces of the cuneiform and the metatarsal bones.
Interosseous cuneocuboid ligament
The interosseous cuneocuboid ligament consists of a series of fibrous bands that connect the central portion of the cuboid to the lateral surfaces of the cuneiform bones.
Dorsal intercarpal ligament
The dorsal intercarpal ligament consists of a series of fibrous bands that extend transversely across the dorsal surfaces of the carpal bones connecting them to each other.
Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament
The dorsal cuneocuboid ligament consists of fibrous bands that connect the dorsal surfaces of the cuboid and lateral surfaces of the cuneiform bones