The medial lemniscus also known as Reil’s band or Reil’s ribbon is a pathway in the brainstem that carries sensory information from the gracile and cuneate nuclei to the thalamus.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 385
Neuromuscular junction
The neuromuscular junction connects the nervous system to the muscular system via synapses between efferent nerve fibers and muscle fibers also known as muscle cells. As an action potential reaches […]
Optic radiation
The optic radiation (also known as the geniculo-calcarine tract or as the geniculostriate pathway or recently posterior thalamic radiation) is a collection of axons from relay neurons in the lateral […]
Hypoglossal nucleus
The hypoglossal nucleus is a cranial nerve nucleus and it extends the length of the medulla and being a motor nucleus is close to the midline. In the open medulla […]
Superior oblique muscle
For the abdominal muscle see: Abdominal external oblique muscleThe superior oblique muscle or obliquus oculi superior is a fusiform muscle originating in the upper medial side of the orbit (i.e. […]
Pelvic floor
The pelvic floor or pelvic diaphragm is composed of muscle fibers of the levator ani the coccygeus and associated connective tissue which span the area underneath the pelvis. The pelvic […]
Renal capsule
The renal capsule is a tough fibrous layer surrounding the kidney and covered in a thick layer of perinephric adipose tissue. It provides some protection from trauma and damage.The renal […]
Renal pelvis
The renal pelvis or pyelum is the funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney.In humans the renal pelvis is the point of convergence of two or three […]
Renal cortex
The renal cortex is the outer portion of the kidney between the renal capsule and the renal medulla. In the adult it forms a continuous smooth outer zone with a […]
Genitofemoral nerve
The genitofemoral nerve refers to a human nerve that is found in the abdomen. Its branches the genital branch and femoral branch supply sensation to the upper anterior thigh as […]