The Interspinales are short muscular fasciculi placed in pairs between the spinous processes of the contiguous vertebræ one on either side of the interspinal ligament. In the cervical region they […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 345
Levatores costarum muscles
The Levatores costarum (/ˌlɛvəˈtɔəriːz kəˈstɛərəm/) twelve in number on either side are small tendinous and fleshy bundles which arise from the ends of the transverse processes of the seventh cervical […]
Stylohyoid muscle
The stylohyoid muscle is a slender muscle lying anterior and superior of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. It shares this muscle’s innervation by the facial nerve and functions […]
Mylohyoid muscle
The mylohyoid muscle is a paired muscle running from the mandible to the hyoid bone forming the floor of the oral cavity (the mouth). It is named after its two […]
Geniohyoid muscle
The Geniohyoid muscle is a narrow muscle situated superior to the medial border of the mylohyoid muscle. It is named for its passage from the chin (genio- is a standard […]
Depressor labii inferioris muscle
The depressor labii inferioris (or quadratus labii inferioris) is a facial muscle that helps lower the bottom lip.
Corrugator supercilii muscle
The corrugator supercilii is a small narrow pyramidal muscle close to the eye.It is located at the medial end of the eyebrow beneath the frontalis and just above orbicularis oculi […]
Transversus abdominis muscle
The transversus abdominis muscle (TVA) also known as the transverse abdominus transversalis muscle and transverse abdominal muscle is a muscle layer of the anterior and lateral (front and side) abdominal […]
The myeloblast is a unipotent stem cell which will differentiate into one of the effectors of the Granulocyte series.
Soleus muscle
In humans and some other mammals the soleus is a powerful muscle in the back part of the lower leg (the calf). It runs from just below the knee to […]