The lambdoid suture (or lambdoidal suture) is a dense fibrous connective tissue joint on the posterior aspect of the skull that connects the parietal bones with the occipital bone. It […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 328
Sagittal suture
The sagittal suture is a dense fibrous connective tissue joint between the two parietal bones of the skull. The term is derived from the Latin word sagitta meaning arrow. The […]
Frontal suture
The frontal suture is a dense connective tissue structure that divides the two halves of the frontal bone of the skull in infants and children. It usually disappears by the […]
Ciliary ganglion
The ciliary ganglion is a parasympathetic ganglion located in the posterior orbit. It measures 1–2 millimeters in diameter and contains approximately 2500 neurons. Preganglionic axons from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus travel […]
Brodmann area 32
The Brodmann area 32 also known in the human brain as the dorsal anterior cingulate area 32 refers to a subdivision of the cytoarchitecturally defined cingulate region of cerebral cortex. […]
Meniscus (anatomy)
In anatomy a meniscus (from Greek μηνίσκος meniskos crescent) is a crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure that in contrast to articular disks only partly divides a joint cavity. In humans they are […]
The axolemma is the cell membrane surrounding an axon. It is responsible for maintaining the membrane potential of the neuron and it contains ion channels through which ions can flow. […]
Anterior root of spinal nerve
In anatomy and neurology the ventral root (or anterior root) is the efferent motor root of a spinal nerve. At its distal end the ventral root joins with the dorsal […]
Biceps femoris muscle
The biceps femoris (/ˈbaɪsɛps ˈfɛmərɨs/) is a muscle of the posterior (the back) thigh. As its name implies it has two parts one of which (the long head) forms part […]
Posterior root of spinal nerve
In anatomy and neurology the dorsal root (or posterior root) is the afferentsensory root of a spinal nerve. At the distal end of the dorsal root is the dorsal root […]