Choana (plural: Choanae; from Greek χοάνη funnel) is the posterior nasal aperture. The choanae are separated by the vomer.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 300
Posterior nucleus of hypothalamus
The posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus is one of the many nuclei that make up the hypothalamic region of the brain. Its function is thermoregulation (heating) of the body.Damage or […]
Schlemm’s canal
Schlemm’s canal also known as canal of Schlemm or the scleral venous sinus is a circular channel in the eye that collects aqueous humor from the anterior chamber and delivers […]
Septal nuclei
The septal nuclei (medial olfactory area) are a set of structures that lie below the rostrum of the corpus callosum anterior to the lamina terminalis (the layer of gray matter […]
Anterior chamber of eyeball
The anterior chamber (AC) is the fluid-filled space inside the eye between the iris and the cornea’s innermost surface the endothelium. Aqueous humor is the fluid that fills the anterior […]
List of thalamic nuclei
This traditional list does not accord strictly with human thalamic anatomy.Nuclear groups of the thalamus include:anterior nuclear group anteroventral nucleus anterodorsal nucleusanteromedial nucleussuperficial (lateral dorsal)medial nuclear group (or dorsomedial nucleus)parvocellular […]
Internal thoracic vein
In human anatomy the internal thoracic vein (previously known as the internal mammary vein) is a vessel that drains the chest wall and breasts.Bilaterally it arises from the superior epigastric […]
Superior epigastric artery
In human anatomy superior epigastric artery refers to a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood and arises from the internal thoracic artery (referred to as the internal mammary artery in […]
Inferior epigastric vein
In human anatomy inferior epigastric vein refers to the vein that drains into the external iliac vein and arises from the superior epigastric vein. Along its course it is accompanied […]
Inferior epigastric artery
In human anatomy inferior epigastric artery refers to the artery that arises from the external iliac artery and anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery. Along its course it is accompanied […]