The superior sagittal sinus (also known as the superior longitudinal sinus) within the human head is an unpaired area along the attached margin of falx cerebri. It allows blood to […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 293
Occipital sinus
The occipital sinus is the smallest of the cranial sinuses. It is situated in the attached margin of the falx cerebelli and is generally single but occasionally there are two.
Straight sinus
The straight sinus also known as tentorial sinus or the sinus rectus is an area within the skull beneath the brain that receives venous blood. The straight sinus receives blood […]
Confluence of sinuses
The confluence of sinuses torcular herophili or torcula is the connecting point of the superior sagittal sinus straight sinus and occipital sinus. It is found deep to the occipital protuberance […]
Paramedian pontine reticular formation
The paramedian pontine reticular formation or PPRF is part of the pontine reticular formation a brain region without clearly defined borders in the center of the pons. It is involved […]
Zonule of Zinn
The zonule of Zinn (Zinn’s membrane ciliary zonule) (after Johann Gottfried Zinn) is a ring of fibrous strands connecting the ciliary body with the crystalline lens of the eye.
Connecting tubule
In the kidney the connecting tubule (CNT or junctional tubule or arcuate renal tubule) is a tubular segment of the renal collecting duct system that connects the distal convoluted tubule […]
Diploë (/ˈdɪploʊi/) is the spongy bone structure (or tissue) of the internal part of short irregular and flat bones.In the cranial bones the layers of compact tissue are familiarly known […]
Dural venous sinuses
The dural venous sinuses (also called dural sinuses cerebral sinuses or cranial sinuses) are venous channels found between layers of dura mater in the brain. They receive blood from internal […]
Semispinalis capitis
The semispinalis capitis (complexus) is situated at the upper and back part of the neck deep to the splenius and medial to the longissimus cervicis and capitis. It is part […]