In medicine gonadal vein refers to the blood vessel that carries blood away from the gonad (testis ovary) toward the heart. Females : ovarian vein Males : testicular veinThe left […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 276
Tunica albuginea of testis
The tunica albuginea (/ˈtuːnɪkə ˌælbəˈdʒɪniːə/ tōō’·nĭ·kə ăl’·bə·jĭn’·ē·ə) is the fibrous covering of the testis. It is a dense blue-grey membrane composed of bundles of white fibrous tissue which interlace in […]
Inferior orbital fissure
Not to be confused with the infraorbital groove infraorbital canal and infraorbital foramen.The lateral wall and the floor of the orbit are separated posteriorly by the inferior orbital fissure which […]
Zygomatic nerve
The zygomatic nerve (temporomalar nerve; orbital nerve) is a branch of the maxillary nerve (itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve) that enters the orbit and helps to supply the […]
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (vertical plate) is a thin flattened lamina polygonal in form which descends from the under surface of the cribriform plate and assists in […]
Labyrinth of ethmoid
The Labyrinth or Lateral Mass of the ethmoid bone consists of a number of thin-walled cellular cavities the ethmoidal cells arranged in three groups anterior middle and posterior and interposed […]
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
The lesser wings of the sphenoid or orbito-sphenoids are two thin triangular plates which arise from the upper and anterior parts of the body and projecting lateralward end in sharp […]
Greater wing of sphenoid bone
The greater wing of the sphenoid bone or alisphenoid is a bony process of the sphenoid bone; there is one on each side extending from the side of the body […]
Pterygoid processes of the sphenoid
The pterygoid processes of the sphenoid one on either side descend perpendicularly from the regions where the body and great wings (alisphenoid) unite. Each process consists of a medial pterygoid […]
Sphenoidal conchae
The sphenoidal conchae (sphenoidal turbinated processes) are two thin curved plates situated at the anterior and lower part of the body of the sphenoid. An aperture of variable size exists […]