The Facial Vein usually unites with the Anterior branch of the Retromandibular Vein to form the Common Facial Vein which crosses the external carotid artery and enters the internal jugular […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 271
Facial vein
The facial vein (or anterior facial vein) is a relative large vein in face. It commences at the side of the root of the nose and is a direct continuation […]
Common interosseous artery
The common interosseous artery about 1 cm. in length arises immediately below the tuberosity of the radius from the ulnar artery.Passing backward to the upper border of the interosseous membrane […]
Temporoparietalis muscle
The Temporoparietalis muscle is a distinct muscle above the Auricularis superior.
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle (hand)
For the muscle of the foot see Flexor digiti quinti brevis muscle (foot)The flexor digiti minimi brevis is a muscle in the hand that flexes the little finger. It lies […]
Articularis cubiti muscle
The Articularis cubiti muscle is a muscle of the elbow. It is considered by some sources to be a part of the triceps brachii muscle.It is also known as the […]
Oblique arytenoid
The oblique arytenoid the more superficial Arytenoid muscle forms two fasciculi which pass from the base of one cartilage to the apex of the opposite one and therefore cross each […]
Aryepiglottic muscle
The aryepiglotticus is a muscle of the larynx running in the aryepiglottic fold from the arytenoid cartilage to the epiglottis.
Extensor indicis muscle
In human anatomy the extensor indicis [proprius] is a narrow elongated skeletal muscle in the deep layer of the dorsal forearm placed medial to and parallel with the extensor pollicis […]
Puborectalis muscle
The fibers which form a sling for the rectum are named the Puborectalis or Sphincter recti. They arise from the lower part of the pubic symphysis and from the superior […]