The anterior interosseous artery (volar interosseous artery) is an artery in the forearm. It is a branch of the common interosseous artery.
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 266
Medial circumflex femoral artery
The medial circumflex femoral artery (internal circumflex artery medial femoral circumflex artery) is an artery in the upper thigh that helps supply blood to the neck of the femur. Damage […]
Lateral circumflex femoral artery
The lateral circumflex femoral artery (lateral femoral circumflex artery external circumflex artery) is an artery in the upper thigh.
Inferior alveolar artery
The inferior alveolar artery (inferior dental artery) is an artery of the face.
Posterior auricular artery
The posterior auricular artery is a small artery and arises from the external carotid artery above the Digastric muscle and Stylohyoid muscle opposite the apex of the styloid process. It […]
Ileocolic artery
The ileocolic artery is the lowest branch arising from the concavity of the superior mesenteric artery. It passes downward and to the right behind the peritoneum toward the right iliac […]
Transverse facial artery
The transverse facial artery is an artery that branches from the superficial temporal artery and runs across the face.
Middle suprarenal arteries
The middle suprarenal arteries (middle capsular arteries; suprarenal arteries) are two small vessels which arise one from either side of the abdominal aorta opposite the superior mesenteric artery. They pass […]
Musculophrenic artery
The musculophrenic artery arises from the internal thoracic artery directed obliquely downward and laterally behind the cartilages of the false ribs; it perforates the diaphragm at the eighth or ninth […]
Inferior thyroid artery
The inferior thyroid artery is an artery in the neck. It arises from the thyrocervical trunk and passes upward in front of the vertebral artery and longus colli muscle.