The cavernous nerve plexus is situated below and medial to that part of the internal carotid artery which is placed by the side of the sella turcica in the cavernous […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 262
Tuber cinereum
The tuber cinereum is a hollow eminence of gray matter situated between the mammillary bodies and the optic chiasm. The tuber cinereum is part of the hypothalamus.
Lamina terminalis
The median portion of the wall of the fore-brain vesicle consists of a thin lamina the lamina terminalis which stretches from the interventricular foramen (Foramen of Monro) to the recess […]
Transverse colon
The transverse colon is the longest and most movable part of the colon.It crosses the abdomen from the ascending colon at the hepatic or right colic flexure with a downward […]
Mandibular canal
In human anatomy the mandibular canal is a canal within the mandible that contains the inferior alveolar nerve inferior alveolar artery and inferior alveolar vein. It runs obliquely downward and […]
Adductor canal
The adductor canal (subsartorial or Hunter’s canal) is an aponeurotic tunnel in the middle third of the thigh extending from the apex of the femoral triangle to the opening in […]
Sinus venosus
This article is on an embryological structure. For the heart defect of the same name please see atrial septal defect.The sinus venosus is a large quadrangular cavity which precedes the […]
Prostatic sinus
On either side of the urethral crest is a slightly depressed fossa the prostatic sinus the floor of which is perforated by numerous apertures the orifices of the prostatic ducts […]
Pericardial sinus
There are two Pericardial sinuses: transverse and oblique. The cul-de-sac enclosed between the limbs of the inverted U of the venous mesocardium lies behind the left atrium and is known […]
Lateral pectoral nerve
The lateral pectoral nerve (lateral anterior thoracic) arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus and through it from the fifth sixth and seventh cervical nerves. It passes across […]