The costal groove is a groove between the ridge of the internal surface of the rib and the inferior border. It contains the intercostal vessels and intercostal nerve the order […]
List of articles in "Anatomical Structure" category - Page 145
Clavipectoral triangle
The clavipectoral triangle (also known as the deltopectoral triangle) is an anatomical region found in humans and other animals.
Xiphisternal joint
The xiphisternal joint (or xiphisternal synchondrosis) is a location near the bottom of the sternum where the body of the sternum and the xiphoid process meet. This joint can remain […]
Eccrine sweat gland
Eccrine glands (/ˈɛkrən/ /ˈɛˌkraɪn/ or /ˈɛˌkrin/; from ekkrinein secrete; sometimes called merocrine glands) are the major sweat glands of the human body found in virtually all skin. They produce a […]
Apocrine sweat gland
An apocrine sweat gland (/ˈæpəkrən/ /ˈæpəˌkraɪn/ or /ˈæpəˌkrin/ from Greek apo– away and krinein to separate) is a sweat gland composed of a coiled secretory portion located at the junction […]
Inferior cerebellar veins
The inferior cerebellar veins are of large size end in the transverse superior petrosal and occipital sinuses.This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray’s Anatomy.
Spinal veins
The spinal veins (veins of the medulla spinalis or veins of the spinal cord) are situated in the pia mater and form a minute tortuous venous plexus. They emerge chiefly […]
Intervertebral veins
The intervertebral veins accompany the spinal nerves through the intervertebral foramina; they receive the veins from the medulla spinalis drain the internal and external vertebral plexuses.Their drainage depends upon the […]
Basivertebral veins
The basivertebral veins are veins within the vertebral column. They are contained in large tortuous channels in the substance of the bones similar in every respect to those found in […]
Internal vertebral venous plexuses
The internal vertebral venous plexuses (intraspinal veins) lie within the vertebral canal in the epidural space and receive tributaries from the bones and from the medulla spinalis. They form a […]