In Greek mythology Sthenelus (Ancient Greek: Σθένελος) was a name attributed to several different individuals.Son of Perseus and Andromeda and king of Mycenae. By Nicippe daughter of Pelops and Hippodamia […]
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Cyclops (comics)
Cyclops is a fictional character a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He often serves as the field leader of the X-Men. A mutant Cyclops emits […]
Arges (Greek: Ἄργης) was one of the Cyclopes in Greek mythology. He was elsewhere called Acmonides or Pyraemon. His name means bright and represents the brightness from lightning. He is […]
Euryale (/jʊˈraɪəliː/; Greek: Εὐρυάλη English translation: far-roaming[citation needed]) in Greek mythology was the second eldest one of the Gorgons three vicious sisters with brass hands sharp fangs and hair of […]
Stheno (Greek: Σθεννώ English translation: forceful) in Greek mythology was the eldest of the Gorgons vicious female monsters with brass hands sharp fangs and hair made of living venomous snakes. […]
In Greek mythology King Coronaeus (Κορωναῖος) of Phocis was the father of Coronis who was changed into a crow by Athena as she fled from Poseidon.
In Greek mythology Ischys (Ancient Greek: Ἰσχύς) was the son of Elatus and Hippea and also the lover of Coronis. While Coronis was carrying Apollo’s child a (then white) crow […]
Coronis (mythology)
There are several characters in Greek mythology by the name Coronis (Κορωνίς -ίδος crow or raven). These include:Coronis daughter of Phlegyas King of the Lapiths was one of Apollo’s lovers. […]
Phlegyas (Greek: Φλεγύας) son of Ares and Chryse or Dotis was king of the Lapiths in Greek mythology. He was the father of Ixion and Coronis one of Apollo’s lovers. […]
In Greek mythology the name Hypseus (/ˈhɪpsiːəs/; Greek Ὑψεύς) may refer to:Hypseus King of the Lapiths son of the river god Peneus by the naiad Creusa daughter of Gaia or […]